Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Recent Reading and Viewing

I've been so busy and not blogging but here's a little of what I've read and watched lately.

This op/ed piece from the New York Times By Thomas Friedmancaptures my feeling about the times we live in now. His last column about Noah is also brilliant.

This one about junk maileveryone should read and stop their unwanted, forest killing junk mail. It really works! I now get almost no junk mail.

I loved Susan Ito's latest column on Literary Mama.

This weekend I also saw "Argonautika' which was truly brilliant (but closed today) and "Juno".

We baked many batches of cookies at our place and slept in.

Next week on to Anaheim and Disneyland AND I plan to read a novel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Leah!
We saw Argonautika too. I thought their other 2 plays were better, but it was still thought provoking. Loved the set and costumes...
I do like to read your blog. Happy new year! Let's get together
just went to moma today...this finnish guy's exhibit is waaay cool , you gotta see it-there til end of fEb

Transforming Kehilla Comunity Synagogue Sanctuary

I hope you will come celebrate and see the completed sanctuary on March 21st. There will be a service from 10-12 followed by a reception for...